Michael's parents made a wonderful meal for all of us and bought my favorite cake from the Flour Shop for my birthday. We celebrated my birthday and my nephew's birthday who turned 14 on April 1st. It is rare, but I love it when my birthday falls on Easter.
Soon the cake and ice cream set in and the kids were getting restless so the Easter egg hunt began.

The big kids scattered quickly to the back of the yard while Zack and Lily stayed close by to find those eggs more easily hidden.
Zack is 4 and has the hunt down to a science. He quickly filled his basket while Lily was content with finding just one egg and exploring what was inside.

Unfortunately the ants found the "peeps" in the eggs before the kids did :)
After the egg hunt, Spencer and his cousins immediately went to the tree that they love to climb.
Michael's mom taught Spencer how to climb it when he was younger. With each year, they go higher and two little spectators stood looking up wishing they could join in the fun.

It won't be long before Zack and Lily will be in the tree making silly faces like these...

Love this picture of Lily with Michael and his grandmother. She amazes us with her energy and zest for life. I hope I have the same when I am her age :)

Each year we try and get a group photo of all the grand kids which is quite a challenge to get everyone smiling at the same time.

After the group shot, I captured a few of Spencer and Lily together by the fish pond.
You can see the love between them as Lily gets ready to plant a big kiss on his cheek...

This was my favorite picture from the day...

Spencer specifically asked for me to take a picture of just Lily so I could e-mail it to him to put on his home screen...one day I'm sure it will be replaced with another girl but for now, I'm thankful that he chooses his sister to take that place :)

After the pictures...some of "bigs and littles" played a game on the phone while the adults visited together on the porch.

That night we had my favorite pizza (the Informant) from Mafiaozas and spent the afternoon together as a family :) A perfect way to end the day.
One of my favorite passages of scripture in the resurrection is when Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene...He says to her "Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you seeking?"
Supposing him to be the gardener, she sad to him, "Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have laid him and I will take him away." Jesus said to her, "Mary." She turned and said to him in Aramic, "Rabboni" (which means Teacher)...Mary Magdalene went and announced to the disciples, "I have seen the Lord". (John 20: 15-16;18)
When you spend time with someone you know the sound of their voice.
While Mary did not recognize him with her eyes, she immediately knew the sound of his voice because she had walked with him.
I pray that when God speaks to me, I will be like Mary and know the sound of my teacher...my risen Lord...the One who has given me life.
LOVED your Easter Celebration. Photos are awesome!!
Beautiful pictures, beautiful family!!
Oh how sweet.
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