Just down the street from my parent's condo is a place called Brookgreen Gardens which is a dream setting for photographers.
The gardens were spectacular...the lighting was perfection..and our "subject"...well, let's just say she was hot, hungry and not in the mood for taking any pictures!
She ended up going back to the car with my Dad while Mom and I walked around making note of some great places to take pictures the following night in hopes we had a happy girl :)
After leaving the gardens we headed down to the Wacamaw River to watch the sunset.

Lily's sad, "I don't want to be here" face slowly turned to smiles as the evening light filled the sky.

My mom made this beautiful dress Lily is wearing. I think we have a great system going...I find the fabrics and patterns and then she puts her expertise to work and creates the amazing outcome! Of course, I think Lily and I get the better end of the deal :)

Lily had fun climbing on the bench and peeking through the ironwork.

Wonder what she is thinking about here?

My mom was standing nearby trying to get her to smile making "happy" and "sad" faces moving her hand up and down across her face.

Lily decided to join in...

This picture is a little hazy and blurred but it speaks of the love these two share which makes me smile.

Lily found the plastic bag that I have been using to keep my camera from fogging up with the difference in temperature indoors and outdoors.
If you have never tried using this method I highly recommend it, especially if you live in a place with high humidity!

All in all it was a great night...even if I didn't get the pictures I would have loved to capture in the gardens.

Be sure and visit my friend Lisa and see more beautiful photos!
Gorgeous!! I can't seem to get the light to fill my photos like that without getting weird green flare everywhere. :(. Also- forgive me. I completely forgot to call a while back but would still love to chat. Let me k ow when you get back from vacation and I'll give you a call! xoxo! Brooke :)
Very unique lighting! Great shots.
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